
Age 36, Female

Joined on 12/14/18

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603 / 710
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> 100,000
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If you are interested on a commission, please mail me: chocolatecomcereja@gmail.com

========== Prices =========

HALF BODY(per character):

- Sketch: $30

- Watercolor*: $50

- Darkcolor: $50

- Full Color: $70

- Extra: body parts +50%

- Free: Simple accessories, ropes, dildos, tentacles, cumshots, simple color or effect bg, standard bed BG.

- Simple BG: +50% (few objects and simple perspective)

- Complex BG: to be negociated

* Watercolor pics may not work with BG (unless it is very very simple, please, keep that in mind)

FULL BODY(per character):

- Sketch: $40

- Watercolor*: $80

- Darkcolor: $80

- Full Color: $100

- Extra: body parts(+50%) (not a character, only some part of them)

- Free: Simple accessories, ropes, dildos, tentacles, cumshots, simple color or effect bg, standard bed BG.

- Simple BG: +50% (few objects and simple perspective)

- Complex BG: to be negociated

* Watercolor pics will not work with BG (unless it is very very simple, please, keep that in mind)

OBS.: There will be extra charge for: complex clothing (heavy armor, too many belts or details).

OBS2: Non Antro character will be put into evaluation (like pokemons).

========= How it will work ========

- You send me an e-mail with the ideia.

- I send the price and when you can make the payment.

- You confirm it with me and do the payment. DO NOT make the payment before the confirmation.

- I will confirm the payment and do the sketch and send you. *

- You will tell me if you want any changes. (It can be done only ONE time, so tell ALL you want it to change)

- I will finish the piece and send to you.

* There will be NO sketch confirmation for sketches commissions. The sketch send will be final.

* I will be working with a WAITING LIST now, so please be patient.

======= Conditions ========

*** I have develop a problem in my arm, I'm trying to manage it, but sometimes crisis can take me out for a week, so, please be patient with me ^^ ***

- All work will be done in digital A4 300dpi, unless asked otherwise.

- The pic will be done in my artstyle (manga/cartoon and not realistic).

- I will have the right to use the pic in my portfolio, if you want it just for you, you have to make it clear, and there will be extra charges.

- You cannot use the pic for commercial proposes, if you want to you have to make it clear, and there will be extra charges.

- I will be working on multiple pics at the same time, so be patient.

- There will be no refund if you change your mind.

- I CAN refuse an offer if I don’t like the idea.

- I WILL NOT do: Guro, vore, scat, inflationism, pregnant, loli/shota and other things I might think it’s offensive.

- I DO prefer girls, please gimme some boobies ~~~~/o/

- If you are in the waiting list and I send a mail saying you are next, if there is no response in 2days I will go to the next one, and you will go to the end of the list, if it happens again, you lose the spot.

- There will be discounts for:

= All girls pics (3 characters or more)

= If the second character in your pic is one of my OCs.

- By commission me you allow me to sell prints of the commission if i want. If you do not wish that, you have to make yourself clear and there can be extra charges.